miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016


Welcome to LDH-mania

What is this site?

This is a site that will compile the events that marked the history of LDH (LOVE DREAM HAPPINESS) as an entertainment company but focusing on their music acts and more precisely, in all the acts that surround EXILE TRIBE.

Are we a news site?

No. Definitely not. We’ll try to provide you with a serious links database of blogs that follow LDH’s related social networks (Twitter, Instagram, blogs), their news sites, etc. but we won’t be publishing news.

Are we a wikia for LDH?

Sort of. There was a project to create a wikia for LDH once but that somehow got discontinued or never completed. We do collect information on LDH related acts that we’ll display through the tags page, however we’re not strictly a wikia.

What are you then?

We are a blog that translates the work of LDH-mania and TRIBE-mania Spanish fanzines (published in 2013 and 2014). Those two small books collected the history of HIRO, EXILE and LDH musical acts, displaying all the information into chronological chapters based on the different acts, events (such as the auditions) and songs that have become the landmarks of this company.

How will we provide this information in this tumblr?

As the work of translating and proof-reading two books that have an aproximately amount of 80 pages each is not easy, we will publish a chapter each 15 days for the first two months. We hope that in the near future the tags page is useful for those whom just want to find a certain chapter related to a certain act or event.

Since the history for LDH-acts is something that still continues on time, we’ll keep updating once the whole two books are translated and published here, with the new events and chapters that have occurred during that time. So far, we’ve got material that goes from 1989 to 2014 to publish here.

For anything else, please refer to our FAQs page.

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